Minister for Finance and
Environment Climate Change
Trends in Revenue Deficit
Trends in Fiscal Deficit as % of GSDP
How one Rupee is Mobilised
S.No | Classification | 2021-2022 Accounts | 2022-2023 RE. | 2023-2024 BE. |
1 | Total Revenue Receipts | 2,07,492 | 2,45,660 | 2,70,515 |
2 | Total Revenue Expenditure | 2,54,030 | 2,76,136 | 3,08,055 |
3 | Revenue Deficit | (-) 46,538 | (-) 30,476 | (-) 37,540 |
4 | Capital Expenditure | 37,011 | 38,347 | 44,366 |
5 | Fiscal Deficit as a % of GSDP | (-) 3.38% | (-) 3.00% | (-) 3.25% |
In 2025-26, the Government has projected its revenue receipts at Rs.3,31,569 crore. The
State’s own revenues constitute 75.3% of the total revenue receipts. The balance 24.7%
comes from the share in Central taxes and grants-in-aid from the Union Government.
The Government’s revenue from its own taxes are estimated to increase by 14.6% in
2025-26. The major components of the State’s own tax revenue are as follows
Rs.13,807 Crore
Rs.420 Crore
Girl students from
Government schools
(6-12) who pursue higher
Rs.420 Crore
Boy students from
Government schools
(6-12) who pursue
higher education
Rs.600 Crore
Rs.2,602 Crore
>Rs.3,676 Crore
Rs.1,092 Crore
Rs.5,156 Crore
Old age pensions,
Widow pensions, etc.
Rs.4,807 Crore
Rs.14,000 Crore
Rs.2,000 Crore
Rs.550 Crore
Rs.1,455 Crore
Rs.1,000 Crore
Rs.2,200 Crore
Rs.202 Crore
Rs.500 Crore
In 100 Government
and aided Engineering,
and Arts and Science
Rs.9,476 Crore
Rs.2,910 Crore
Rs.850 Crore
Rs.30,434 Crore
Subsidies towards
agriculture, domestic
consumers, Share Capital
Assistance and Loans
Rs.2,420 Crore
Rs.9,682 Crore
Free bus passes to women; free
and concessional bus passes to
students; diesel subsidy, Viability
Gap Funding, Share Cpital
Assistance and Loans
Rs.1000 Crore
Essential infrastructure,
including additional classrooms,
science laboratories and
drinking water facilities
Rs.1,696 Crore
Study materials including text
books and note books, uniforms,
footwear, bicycles
Rs.550 Crore
Rs.600 Crore
Infrastructure facilities such
as smart classrooms, modern
laboratories, e-libraries and
student hostels
Rs.1,678 Crore
Rs.150 Crore
Rs.2,754 Crore
Rs.100 Crore
Rs.559 Crore
Rs.1,461 Crore
Rs.673 Crore
Rs.616 Crore
Rs.538 Crore
Rs.255 Crore
Rs.280 Crore
Rs.170 Crore
To promote economic
development of SC/ST
Rs.75 Crore
Rs.50 Crore
Credit disbursement from
banks to SHGs